GROWME Builders

Community building the community

Our experience in the web3 space lets us understand the importance of community, building and the protection of it.

GROWME Builders are the moderators, protectors, and quite literally, builders of the GROWME community and project. Similar to AGENT1 Medics, but not open to volunteers, the GROWME Builder role must be earned.

GROWME Builders have privileges such as:

  • Higher daily native yield, rewards & airdrop.

  • Access to the GROWME Builder dashboard

  • Weekly or Monthly Bonus Rewards based on performance

  • Ability to promote others on Discord and Telegram

  • Ability to demote, ban, kick others on Discord and Telegram

  • Take up roles such as Memelord, X/Twitter intern, Telegram mods, Raid leaders

  • Access to alpha, development features, contribute ideas and feedback to development

  • and more!

Requirements to become a GROWME Builder:

  • At least 11 referrals

  • One GROWME Builder among the referrals

  • Ranked on any of the leaderboards for Top Referrals, or Top Sharers.

  • Own 3 "active" GROWME monsters/cards

  • "Active" status on the GROWME platform, Discord or Telegram.

  • 0 FUD points

Last updated