
Welcome to GROWME.fun documentation/whitepaper


Version: 0.04

Last updated: 20240902

The content disclosed in the course of this living document, White Paper, is subject to change and updates and should not be interpreted as commitments, promises or guarantees on the behalf of CREEBank.org or any of GROWME.fun's affiliate organisations.

What is GROWME.fun about?

GROWME is not just about AI gaming and art. GROWME is about you growing, winning and having fun!

We're adding GROW, ME and FUN to crypto. Play and build AI gaming bots that win real rewards.

Deposit & play at GROWME.fun and watch your tokens grow anywhere from a projected 8% to 66% APY.

GROWME.fun is about creating a truly self-sustaining and evergreen project that fuels itself.

Building AI entertainment gaming (with AGENT1) and profitability (powered by CREEBank.org) in mind every step of the way.

Who created GROWME.fun?

Produced by Mr. J, this project is developed by the team building AGENT1, sponsored by CREEBank.org

As with AGENT1, we're focused on developing AI entertainment with rewarding experiences and real rewards.

Mr. J believes in AI entertainment, coupled with the technology of NFTs and cryptocurrency. He believes there are many creative, fun possibilities in the space, and continues to craft it. That's why CREEBank and the AGENT1 community are behind him on his projects.

How is GROWME different from other projects?

For those chasing profits and speculating with Web3 projects, GROWME is not just PvP, but PvE as well. You earn rewards, incentives and yield from your deposits - gaining from the system & environment, not other players. (PvE)

Of course, if you like the entertainment, thrill and potential for more rewards, you are free to battle other GROWME trainers! (PvP)

Last updated